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Invite applications for a job meets graduate of 2006 colleges of countrywide inf

来源: 作者:Stand originally 时间:2008-12-31 Tag: 点击:
Guangdong of ★ announcement theme saves 2006 college graduate invite applications for a job of power trade special performance is met announcement is classified

Face time of content of announcement of the announce inside school: On December 3, 2005 morning 8: 30 - afternoon 4: 00

Place: Guangzhou the Milky way manages south 5 hill China work college east classify stadium

Join an unit: Follower of company of Guangdong electrified wire netting 40 domestic units

Group of system of cable of Guangdong province another name for Guangdong Province limited company follower 20 units

Entrance ticket: 10 yuan / person (the spot has carry out, by student's identification card buy)

Zhejiang saved ★ 2005 - talent of Shanghai high administrative levels negotiates can (guesthouse of Shanghai rainbow bridge on December 4) announcement is classified

Face Zhejiang of content of announcement of the announce inside school to visit human affairs office will on December 4 (weekday) in guesthouse of Shanghai rainbow bridge (Shanghai Yan'an on the west road 2000) hold " Zhejiang was saved 2005 - - talent of Shanghai high administrative levels negotiates meeting " , zhejiang is provincial nearly 180 advantages are enterprise or business unit and ginseng of partial Party and goverment officials are met, the high administrative levels that faces Master and above record of formal schooling to roll out 3220 tall record of formal schooling, high position, high pay to propose a toast post.

Message of particular invite applications for a job sees accessory is relevant link issue date on December 1, 2005

2006 graduate of ★ Beijing double choose can

Sponsor an unit: Obtain employment of Beijing college graduate coachs center

Time: Electronic information kind 300 unit finance and economics were built on November 19 kind on December 17 260 units

Place: Beijing Haidian area exhibition

★ is northeast 5 school 2006 graduate supply and demand meet can

  Time: College of Dalian grain industry On November 27

Northeast university Round-the-clock on November 29, 30 days in the morning

Jilin university is round-the-clock on December 1, 2 days in the morning

Harbin Institute of Technology on Feburary 3

Harbin project university On December 4

Dot of ground of invite applications for a job all is inside school

★ Jinan is big first 2006 obtain employment of graduate of technical secondary school double choose can

Sponsor an unit: Qualified personnel of city of Jinan of bureau of Jinan town occurrences in human life communicates a service center to hold time: On December 3, 2005 (on Saturday) , 8:30-15:00 hold a place: Jinan international exhibition center (the road austral industry 28) join meeting dimensions: 500 unit above

★ obtain employment of graduate of undergraduate course of Tianjin city college negotiated 2006 meeting time: On December 3 (Saturday) in the morning 9: 00, afternoon 2: 00 places: Tianjin sports center (house of A, B) dimensions: Unit of predicting choose and employ persons 500 or so

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