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The primitive accumulation of young white-collar

来源: 作者:Stand originally 时间:2008-12-31 Tag: 点击:
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The exposition of word conduct financial transactions of compere? Do not have interest. Our youth has what money to be able to manage, see exposition still be inferior to earning some of overtime more. A few youths are singing loudly compartment here so called primitive accumulation is talked, somebody of the compartment there seeks lay off to earn the plan of the first pail of gold below the guidance of personage of major of reasonable already however money. Compare with exposition of conduct financial transactions of previous term or session, the current exposition battle array that just ends is more formidable, product of conduct financial transactions covered the field such as bank, safe, negotiable securities, it is conduct financial transactions really gluttonous regale. Youth, do you pay close attention to exposition of conduct financial transactions? Whether you have concept of conduct financial transactions and to whether you have concept of conduct financial transactions and put into practice?
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